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Colorado Special Milk Program Benefits

The Special Milk Program provides milk to children in public or nonprofit schools, residential child care institutions (RCCI), and camps that do not participate in any other Federal child nutrition meal service program or any child at a participating school or half-day pre-kindergarten program can receive milk through the Special Milk Program. Administered by the Colorado Department of Education School Nutrition Unit, reimbursement is provided from the U.S Department of Agriculture for each half pint of milk served.

Purpose Of The Colorado Special Milk Program

The purpose of the Colorado Special Milk Program aligns with the broader goals of the national Special Milk Program, which is a federally funded initiative administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The program has several key objectives:

  • Provide Nutritious Milk: One of the primary purposes of the Special Milk Program is to ensure that children in schools and childcare institutions have access to nutritious milk. Milk is a good source of essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D, which are important for the development of strong bones and overall health.
  • Support Institutions Without Other Meal Programs: The program is specifically designed for schools and childcare institutions that do not participate in other federal meal service programs, such as the National School Lunch Program or the School Breakfast Program. It aims to fill the gap for institutions that may not offer other federally funded meal services.
  • Financial Assistance: The Special Milk Program provides financial assistance to participating institutions. This assistance helps cover the costs associated with providing milk to eligible children, making it more feasible for institutions to offer this nutritious beverage.
  • Encourage Milk Consumption: By providing reimbursement for milk served to eligible children, the program aims to encourage the consumption of milk. This supports the overall goal of promoting healthy dietary habits among children.
  • Address Nutritional Needs: The program contributes to meeting the nutritional needs of children, especially those in institutions that do not have access to other federal meal programs. It helps ensure that children receive a well-balanced diet that includes dairy products.
  • Administrative Support: The program provides administrative support and guidelines to participating institutions. This includes establishing eligibility criteria, application procedures, and reimbursement processes.

It's important to note that specific details about the Colorado Special Milk Program, including eligibility criteria and reimbursement rates, may vary, and the most accurate and current information can be obtained by contacting the Colorado Department of Education or referring to their official documentation.

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About Colorado Special Milk Program

The information provided here is based on general knowledge about the Special Milk Program (SMP) in the United States, and specifically, Colorado. For the most current and detailed information about the Colorado Special Milk Program, it's recommended to contact the Colorado Department of Education or visit their official website. Below is some general information about the Special Milk Program:

  • Purpose: The Special Milk Program is a federally funded program administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that provides milk to children in schools and childcare institutions who do not participate in other federal meal service programs.
  • Eligibility: The program is typically designed for schools and childcare institutions that do not participate in other federal meal service programs such as the National School Lunch Program or the School Breakfast Program. Children in these institutions may be eligible for the program.
  • Milk Availability: The program provides reimbursement to participating institutions for each half-pint of milk served to eligible children.
  • Application Process: Schools and childcare institutions interested in participating in the Special Milk Program usually need to submit an application to the state education agency, in this case, the Colorado Department of Education.
  • Reimbursement: Approved institutions receive reimbursement for the milk they serve to eligible children.
  • Financial Assistance: The program aims to provide financial assistance to institutions to encourage the consumption of milk among children.

For specific details about the Colorado Special Milk Program, including eligibility criteria, application procedures, and any updates or changes to the program, it's best to contact the Colorado Department of Education directly or check their official website. They should have the most accurate and current information available.

Colorado Special Milk Program Benefits

The Colorado Special Milk Program (SMP) is a federally funded program that provides milk to children in schools and childcare institutions who do not participate in other federal meal service programs. The program is administered by the Colorado Department of Education. Please note that specific details and benefits may change over time, so it's essential to check with local authorities or the Colorado Department of Education for the most up-to-date information. However, I can provide you with some general information about what the Special Milk Program typically offers:

  • Eligibility Criteria: The program is generally designed for schools and childcare institutions that do not participate in other federal meal service programs, such as the National School Lunch Program or the School Breakfast Program. Children in these institutions may be eligible for the program.
  • Milk Availability: The Special Milk Program provides reimbursement to participating institutions for milk that is served to eligible children.
  • Application Process: Schools and childcare institutions interested in participating in the Special Milk Program typically need to submit an application to the state education agency.
  • Reimbursement: Institutions that are approved for the program receive reimbursement for each half-pint of milk served to eligible children.
  • Financial Assistance: The program aims to provide financial assistance to institutions to encourage the consumption of milk among children.

To get the most accurate and current information about the Colorado Special Milk Program, you can visit the official website of the Colorado Department of Education or contact them directly. They should be able to provide detailed information about eligibility criteria, application procedures, and any recent changes to the program.

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Who is eligible for Special Milk Program for Colorado?

Any child at a participating school, high school, pre-kindergarten or kindergarten program can receive milk through the SMP. Children may buy milk at a reduced cost or receive it free, depending on the school’s choice of program options. Some participating schools may operate based on income guidelines, provided below.

Colorado Special Milk Program Income Limits

In order to qualify, you must have an annual household income (before taxes) that is below the following amounts:

Household SizeMaximum Income Level (Per Year)

For households with more than eight people, add $9,509 per additional person. Always check with the appropriate managing agency to ensure the most accurate guidelines.

Documents required for Colorado Special Milk Program

To participate in the Colorado Special Milk Program (SMP), schools and childcare institutions typically need to provide certain documents during the application process. The specific requirements may vary, and it's advisable to contact the Colorado Department of Education directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information. However, here are some common documents that may be required:

  • Application Form: A completed application form is typically required to express interest in participating in the SMP. This form is often provided by the state education agency.
  • Institution Information: Documentation about the school or childcare institution, including its name, address, contact information, and details about the institution's meal program.
  • Nonprofit Status Documentation: If applicable, documentation proving the nonprofit status of the institution may be required. This could include a copy of the IRS determination letter or other relevant documentation.
  • Meal Service Plans: Details about the institution's meal service plans, including information about the types of meals offered, meal times, and any other relevant details.
  • Participant Eligibility Information: Documentation establishing the eligibility of participants, such as a list of enrolled children and their eligibility status for the SMP.
  • Financial Documentation: Financial information may be required to assess the institution's need for financial assistance through the SMP. This could include financial statements or other relevant documents.
  • Milk Purchase Invoices: Invoices or receipts for milk purchases may be needed to support reimbursement claims. These documents demonstrate the actual cost incurred by the institution for providing milk to eligible children.
  • Documentation of Compliance: Documents demonstrating compliance with SMP regulations and guidelines. This may include adherence to nutritional standards, meal counting procedures, and other program requirements.
  • Agreement Forms: Signed agreement forms indicating the institution's commitment to comply with SMP regulations and guidelines.
  • Any Other Required Documentation: Depending on specific state or federal requirements, there may be additional documents needed. It's crucial to carefully review the application instructions provided by the Colorado Department of Education.

To ensure a smooth application process, it is recommended to reach out to the Colorado Department of Education or the relevant authority overseeing the SMP in Colorado for the most accurate and specific information regarding required documents.

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Required Eligibility for Colorado Special Milk Program

The eligibility criteria for the Colorado Special Milk Program (SMP) are generally determined by federal regulations set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). However, specific details may vary, and it's essential to contact the Colorado Department of Education or the relevant state agency for the most up-to-date and accurate information. here are some general eligibility criteria that institutions typically need to meet to participate in the SMP:

  • Schools and Childcare Institutions: The SMP is designed for schools and childcare institutions that do not participate in other federal meal service programs, such as the National School Lunch Program or the School Breakfast Program.
  • Nonprofit Status (if applicable): Institutions that are nonprofit organizations may be eligible to participate. Nonprofit status is generally determined based on documentation such as an IRS determination letter.
  • Program Compliance: Participating institutions must comply with the SMP regulations and guidelines established by the USDA and the Colorado Department of Education. This includes adherence to nutritional standards and program requirements.
  • Participant Eligibility: Eligible participants are usually children enrolled in the participating institutions who do not have access to other federal meal service programs.
  • Agreement to Serve Milk: Institutions must agree to serve milk to eligible children and submit accurate meal count and reimbursement claims.
  • Financial Need: While not a strict eligibility criterion, financial need may be considered when assessing an institution's qualification for financial assistance through the SMP. Institutions with a higher percentage of low-income participants may be given priority.

It's important to note that these are general guidelines, and the specific requirements may be subject to change. For the most accurate and current information regarding eligibility criteria for the Colorado Special Milk Program, it is recommended to contact the Colorado Department of Education or the relevant state agency directly. They can provide detailed information, answer specific questions, and guide institutions through the application process.

How do I apply for Colorado Special Milk Program

To apply for the Colorado Special Milk Program (SMP), you should follow the application process outlined by the Colorado Department of Education. While specific details may vary, here is a general guide on how to apply for the Special Milk Program:

  • Contact the Colorado Department of Education: Reach out to the Colorado Department of Education or the relevant state agency overseeing the SMP. You can find contact information on their official website or by calling their offices. They can provide you with specific details about the application process and any required forms.
  • Request Application Materials: Ask for the necessary application materials, which may include forms, guidelines, and instructions. These materials are typically available on the department's website or can be sent to you upon request.
  • Review Eligibility Criteria: Carefully review the eligibility criteria to ensure that your institution qualifies for participation in the SMP. This may include considerations such as nonprofit status, compliance with program regulations, and the nature of the meal services provided.
  • Complete the Application Form: Fill out the application form provided by the Colorado Department of Education. Provide accurate and complete information about your institution, including its name, address, contact information, and any other required details.
  • Submit Required Documentation: Gather and submit any required documentation, such as proof of nonprofit status, participant eligibility information, financial documentation, and other supporting materials. Ensure that you include all necessary information to facilitate the application process.
  • Attend Training (if required): Some states may require participating institutions to undergo training sessions to ensure compliance with program guidelines. Check with the Colorado Department of Education to see if any training is required for your institution.
  • Wait for Approval: After submitting your application, wait for the Colorado Department of Education to review and approve it. The approval process may involve verifying eligibility, assessing documentation, and ensuring compliance with program requirements.
  • Begin Participation: Once your application is approved, you can start participating in the Special Milk Program. This may involve serving milk to eligible children and submitting accurate meal count and reimbursement claims.

Remember that these steps provide a general overview, and it's crucial to follow the specific instructions provided by the Colorado Department of Education. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, contact the department directly or visit their official website for program details and application materials.

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Colorado Special Milk Program Phone Number

Please visit the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Special Milk Program for more information. School Nutrition Contacts