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Microloan Program Benefits

The MicroLoan Program provides very small loans to start-up, newly established, or growing small business concerns and certain not-for-profit childcare centers. Under this program, SBA makes funds available to nonprofit community based lenders (Microlender Intermediaries) which, in turn, make loans to eligible borrowers in amounts up to a maximum of $50,000. The average loan size is about $13,000. Applications are submitted to the local intermediary and all credit decisions are made on the local level.

What Is a Microloan Program?

The microloan program provides loans up to $50,000 to help small businesses and certain not-for-profit childcare centers start up and expand. The average microloan is about $13,000. SBA provides funds to specially designated intermediary lenders, which are nonprofit community-based organizations with experience in lending as well as management and technical assistance. These intermediaries administer the Microloan program for eligible borrowers.

Purpose of Microloan Program

Microloan programs serve several important purposes, aiming to address specific financial needs and challenges faced by individuals, particularly those in underserved or low-income communities. The primary purposes of microloan programs include:

  • Financial Inclusion: Microloan programs aim to include individuals who are excluded from traditional banking services due to factors such as low income, lack of collateral, or limited credit history. By providing access to small-scale financial services, these programs contribute to greater financial inclusion.
  • Poverty Alleviation: One of the central purposes of microloan programs is to alleviate poverty by offering financial resources to individuals and small businesses in need. The loans are typically small in size, but they can have a significant impact on the economic well-being of borrowers.
  • Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development: Microloan programs support the development and growth of small businesses, fostering entrepreneurship at the grassroots level. These loans empower individuals to start or expand their own businesses, leading to job creation and economic development.
  • Empowerment of Marginalized Groups: Microloan programs often target marginalized and vulnerable groups, including women, minorities, and those in rural areas. By providing access to credit, these programs empower these groups to overcome economic challenges and enhance their social and economic standing.
  • Community Development: Microloans contribute to overall community development by stimulating economic activity at the local level. As small businesses thrive, communities experience improvements in living standards, infrastructure, and social well-being.
  • Skill Development and Capacity Building: Some microloan programs offer additional support services, including training and capacity-building initiatives. This helps borrowers develop the necessary skills and knowledge to manage their businesses effectively, increasing the likelihood of long-term success.
  • Financial Education: Microloan programs may include components of financial education, teaching borrowers about budgeting, saving, and responsible financial management. This education is aimed at promoting financial literacy and ensuring that borrowers can make informed decisions about their finances.
  • Women's Economic Empowerment: Many microloan programs specifically target women as a means of promoting gender equality and women's economic empowerment. Empowering women economically can lead to broader social benefits, including improved education and health outcomes for families.
  • Risk Mitigation: Microloan amounts are typically small, reducing the risk for both lenders and borrowers. This encourages lenders to provide credit to individuals and businesses that might be considered too risky for larger loans, promoting a more inclusive financial system.
  • Social Impact: Microloan programs often have a social mission, aiming to create positive social change by addressing economic disparities and fostering sustainable development.

Overall, microloan programs play a crucial role in promoting inclusive economic growth, empowering individuals and communities, and addressing financial challenges at the grassroots level.

Certified Development Company Loan Program Benefits

Microloan Program 

Microloan programs offer several benefits, especially for individuals and small businesses in need of financial assistance. Here are some key advantages of microloan programs:

  • Accessibility: Microloan programs are designed to be accessible to individuals and small businesses that may have difficulty obtaining traditional loans. The application process is often simpler, and the eligibility criteria may be more flexible.
  • Financial Inclusion: Microloans contribute to financial inclusion by providing access to credit for those who are typically excluded from mainstream financial services. This includes individuals in low-income communities and entrepreneurs in developing countries.
  • Support for Small Businesses: Microloans can be a lifeline for small businesses, helping them start or expand their operations. This support is crucial for the growth and sustainability of local economies.
  • Job Creation: By facilitating the growth of small businesses, microloan programs can contribute to job creation within communities. This, in turn, helps improve local economic conditions and reduces unemployment.
  • Empowerment of Entrepreneurs: Microloans empower individuals, particularly women and minorities, to start and manage their own businesses. This empowerment can have positive ripple effects on families and communities.
  • Flexible Use of Funds: Microloan borrowers often have flexibility in how they use the funds. Whether it's purchasing equipment, inventory, or investing in marketing, borrowers can tailor the loan to meet their specific business needs.
  • Capacity Building: Some microloan programs include training and support services to help borrowers develop business skills, financial literacy, and management capabilities. This holistic approach enhances the chances of successful business development.
  • Community Development: Microloan programs contribute to the overall development of communities by fostering entrepreneurship, economic stability, and social well-being. As businesses thrive, the community as a whole may experience improved living standards.
  • Risk Mitigation: Microloan amounts are typically smaller than traditional loans, reducing the risk for both lenders and borrowers. This can make lenders more willing to extend credit to individuals and businesses with limited credit history.
  • Repayment Discipline: Microloan programs often emphasize a culture of responsible borrowing and timely repayment. This can help individuals build a positive credit history, making it easier for them to access larger loans in the future.

While microloan programs offer numerous benefits, it's important to note that they may also face challenges such as sustainability, scalability, and the need for ongoing support services. However, overall, microloans play a vital role in promoting economic development and financial inclusion at the grassroots level.

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Am I eligible Microloan Program Benefits?

Each intermediary lender has its own lending and credit requirements. Generally, intermediaries require some type of collateral as well as the personal guarantee of the business owner.

Additional Information

Max Loan Length6 years
Interest Rate Variable, Maximum set by SBA
Max Loan Amount$50,000
Payment FrequencyMonthly
Prepayment PenaltiesPenalties None

How do I use a microloan?

Microloans can be used for a variety of purposes that help small businesses expand. Use them when you need less than $50,000 to rebuild, re-open, repair, enhance, or improve your small business.

Examples include: 

  • Working capital 
  • Inventory 
  • Supplies 
  • Furniture 
  • Fixtures 
  • Machinery 
  • Equipment 

Proceeds from an SBA microloan cannot be used to pay existing debts or to purchase real estate.

Microloan Program Requirements

Each intermediary lender has its own lending and credit requirements. However, business owners contemplating application for a microloan should be aware that intermediaries will generally require some type of collateral, and the personal guarantee of the business owner. A Microlender is a non profit organization that receives a loan from SBA. In turn, the Microlender makes small loans to very small businesses in the community. The Microlender also provides technical assistance to the small business. All credit decisions are made by the Microlender. The application process may vary depending on the Intermediary Microlender.

Home Mortgage Insurance for Disaster Victims Program

What do I need to apply?

Microloans are available through certain nonprofit, community-based organizations that are experienced in lending and business management assistance. Individual requirements will vary. To apply for a microloan, work with an SBA-approved intermediary in your area. SBA-approved lenders make all credit decisions and set all terms for your microloan.

How do I pay back my microloan?

Loan repayment terms vary according to several factors:

Repayment termsAmount, planned use, lender requirements, needs of the small business owner 
Maximum repayment term allowed for an SBA microloan is six years
Interest ratesInterest rates vary depending on the intermediary lender
Generally, between 8 and 13 percent

Loan Terms

The maximum term allowed for a microloan is six years. However, loan terms vary according to the size of the loan, the planned use of funds, the requirements of the intermediary lender, and the needs of the small business borrower. Interest rates vary, depending upon the intermediary lender and costs to the intermediary from the U.S. Department of the Treasury.