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SNAP Payment Dates January 2024 All State Wise PDF

Category: usa-program || by: Lalchand || Update: 2024-01-06

As the calendar turns to January 2024, many residents across the United States are eagerly anticipating the arrival of their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. SNAP, formerly known as food stamps, provides crucial assistance to eligible individuals and families, ensuring access to nutritious food. The distribution of SNAP benefits varies from state to state, with each state following a specific schedule for payment dates. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of the SNAP payment dates for January 2024 across various states:

SNAP Payment Dates January 2024

State Wise SNAP Payment Dates January 2024 

Alabama (January 4 to 23):Residents of Alabama can expect their SNAP benefits to be disbursed between January 4 and January 23. It is crucial for beneficiaries to plan their grocery shopping and budget accordingly to make the most of their assistance.

Alaska (January 1):In Alaska, SNAP recipients will receive their benefits on January 1, allowing them to start the new year with the support needed to purchase essential groceries.

Arizona (January 1 to 13):Arizonans can anticipate their SNAP benefits to be distributed from January 1 to January 13, providing a window for beneficiaries to plan their expenditures throughout the first half of the month.

Arkansas (January 4 to 13):Beneficiaries in Arkansas will receive their SNAP benefits between January 4 and January 13, enabling them to address their nutritional needs early in the month.

California (January 1 to 10):In California, SNAP beneficiaries can expect their benefits to be available between January 1 and January 10. Planning meals and grocery shopping during this period will be essential for families relying on this assistance.

North Carolina (January 3 to 21):Residents of North Carolina will receive their SNAP benefits between January 3 and January 21, allowing them to access the necessary resources to meet their nutritional requirements for the month.

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South Carolina (January 1-10):South Carolina SNAP beneficiaries can expect their benefits to be available from January 1 to January 10. This timeframe offers recipients an opportunity to manage their grocery needs efficiently.

Colorado (January 1 to 10):In Colorado, SNAP benefits will be distributed between January 1 and January 10, providing residents with early-month assistance to address their food-related expenses.

Connecticut (January 1-3):SNAP beneficiaries in Connecticut will receive their benefits between January 1 and January 3. Early disbursement enables individuals and families to start the month with the necessary support.

North Dakota (January 1):Residents of North Dakota will receive their SNAP benefits on January 1, ensuring a timely start to the year with access to essential resources for purchasing groceries.

South Dakota (January 10):South Dakota SNAP beneficiaries can anticipate their benefits to be distributed on January 10, allowing for planning and budgeting toward the middle of the month.

Delaware (January 2 to 23):In Delaware, SNAP benefits will be available from January 2 to January 23, providing recipients with a broad window for accessing their much-needed assistance.

District of Columbia (January 1-10):SNAP beneficiaries in the District of Columbia can expect their benefits between January 1 and January 10, offering a timely start to the month with essential nutritional support.

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Florida (January 1 to 28):Residents of Florida will receive their SNAP benefits from January 1 to January 28, providing an extended period for beneficiaries to plan their grocery shopping and meal preparation.

Georgia (January 5 to 23):In Georgia, SNAP benefits will be distributed between January 5 and January 23, ensuring residents have the support they need throughout the month to address their nutritional needs.

Hawaii (January 3-5):Hawaiian SNAP beneficiaries will receive their benefits between January 3 and January 5, offering a concentrated timeframe for recipients to plan and utilize their assistance efficiently.

Idaho (January 1 to 10):In Idaho, SNAP benefits will be available between January 1 and January 10, allowing residents to begin the year with timely access to essential nutritional support.

Illinois (January 1 to 10):SNAP beneficiaries in Illinois can expect their benefits to be distributed from January 1 to January 10, providing a crucial early-month timeframe for accessing nutritional assistance.

Indiana (January 5 to 23):Residents of Indiana will receive their SNAP benefits between January 5 and January 23, offering a significant window for planning and managing grocery expenses throughout the month.

Iowa (January 1 to 10):Iowa's SNAP beneficiaries can anticipate their benefits to be available between January 1 and January 10, ensuring early-month support for nutritional needs.

Kansas (January 1 to 10):In Kansas, SNAP benefits will be distributed between January 1 and January 10, providing residents with a timely start to the month regarding grocery assistance.

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Kentucky (January 1 to 19):SNAP beneficiaries in Kentucky will receive their benefits between January 1 and January 19, offering an extended timeframe for accessing support throughout the month.

Louisiana (January 1 to 23):In Louisiana, SNAP benefits will be available from January 1 to January 23, ensuring residents have access to essential nutritional support throughout the month.

Maine (January 10-14):Maine's SNAP beneficiaries can anticipate their benefits to be distributed between January 10 and January 14, offering a concentrated timeframe for planning and utilizing assistance.

Maryland (January 4 to 23):Residents of Maryland will receive their SNAP benefits between January 4 and January 23, providing a significant window for accessing nutritional support throughout the month.

Massachusetts (January 1 to 14):SNAP beneficiaries in Massachusetts can expect their benefits to be distributed from January 1 to January 14, offering early-month support for nutritional needs.

Michigan (January 3 to 21):In Michigan, SNAP benefits will be available between January 3 and January 21, providing residents with support throughout the month for their nutritional needs.

Minnesota (January 4 to 13):SNAP beneficiaries in Minnesota will receive their benefits between January 4 and January 13, ensuring timely access to nutritional support during the first half of the month.

Mississippi (January 4 to 21):In Mississippi, SNAP benefits will be available between January 4 and January 21, offering an extended timeframe for beneficiaries to access support throughout the month.

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Missouri (January 1 to 22):Residents of Missouri will receive their SNAP benefits between January 1 and January 22, providing a broad window for accessing nutritional assistance.

Montana (January 2 to 6):SNAP beneficiaries in Montana can anticipate their benefits to be distributed between January 2 and January 6, offering a concentrated timeframe for planning and utilizing assistance.

Nebraska (January 1 to 5):In Nebraska, SNAP benefits will be available between January 1 and January 5, ensuring a timely start to the month with essential nutritional support.

Nevada (January 1 to 10):Nevadan SNAP beneficiaries can expect their benefits to be distributed between January 1 and January 10, allowing for early-month planning and budgeting toward groceries.

New Jersey (January 1-5): SNAP beneficiaries in New Jersey will receive their benefits between January 1 and January 5, offering a timely start to the month with essential nutritional support.

New York (January 1 to 9):In New York, SNAP benefits will be available from January 1 to January 9, providing residents with early-month assistance.

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SNAP Payment Dates January 2024 | EBT Pickup Schedule January 2024

  • Alabama: January 4 to 23
  • Alaska: January 1
  • Arizona: January 1 to 13
  • Arkansas: January 4 to 13
  • California: January 1 to 10
  • North Carolina: January 3 to 21
  • South Carolina: January 1-10
  • Colorado: January 1 to 10
  • Connecticut: January 1-3
  • North Dakota: January 1
  • South Dakota: January 10
  • Delaware: January 2 to 23
  • District of Columbia: January 1-10
  • Florida: January 1 to 28
  • Georgia: January 5 to 23
  • Hawaii: January 3-5
  • Idaho: January 1 to 10
  • Illinois: January 1 to 10
  • Indiana: January 5 to 23
  • Iowa: January 1 to 10
  • Kansas: January 1 to 10
  • Kentucky: January 1 to 19
  • Louisiana: January 1 to 23
  • Maine: January 10-14
  • Maryland: January 4 to 23
  • Massachusetts: January 1 to 14
  • Michigan: January 3 to 21
  • Minnesota: January 4 to 13
  • Mississippi: January 4 to 21
  • Missouri: January 1 to 22
  • Montana: January 2 to 6
  • Nebraska: January 1 to 5
  • Nevada: January 1 to 10
  • New Jersey: January 1-5
  • New York: January 1 to 9
  • New Hampshire: January 5
  • New Mexico: January 1 to 20
  • Ohio: January 2-20
  • Oklahoma: January 1-10
  • Oregon: January 1 to 9
  • Pennsylvania: January 3-14
  • Rhode Island: January 1
  • Tennessee: January 1 to 20
  • Texas: January 1 to 28
  • Utah: January 5, 11 and 15
  • Vermont: January 1
  • Virginia: January 1 to 7
  • West Virginia: January 1-9
  • Washington: January 1 to 20
  • Wisconsin: January 1 to 15
  • Wyoming: January 1 to 4

FAQ's-SNAP Payment Dates January 2024 All State Wise PDF

Q: During which dates will Alabama distribute SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Alabama will be distributed from January 4 to January 23, 2024.

Q: On which date will Alaska residents receive their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: Alaska residents will receive their SNAP benefits on January 1, 2024.

Q: What is the time frame for SNAP benefit distribution in Arizona for January 2024?

Ans: In Arizona, SNAP benefits will be distributed from January 1 to January 13, 2024.

Q: When can Arkansas residents expect their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Arkansas will be distributed from January 4 to January 13, 2024.

Q: What are the designated dates for SNAP benefit distribution in California in January 2024?

Ans: In California, SNAP benefits will be available from January 1 to January 10, 2024.

Q: During which period will SNAP benefits be distributed in North Carolina in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in North Carolina will be distributed from January 3 to January 21, 2024.

Q: What is the SNAP benefit distribution schedule for South Carolina in January 2024?

Ans: In South Carolina, SNAP benefits will be available from January 1 to January 10, 2024.

Q: When will Colorado residents receive their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Colorado are scheduled to be distributed from January 1 to January 10, 2024.

Q: What are the specified dates for SNAP benefit distribution in Connecticut for January 2024?

Ans: In Connecticut, SNAP benefits will be distributed from January 1 to January 3, 2024.

Q: On which date will North Dakota residents receive their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: North Dakota residents will receive their SNAP benefits on January 1, 2024.

Q: During which dates will South Dakota distribute SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in South Dakota will be distributed on January 10, 2024.

Q: When will Delaware residents receive their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Delaware will be distributed from January 2 to January 23, 2024.

Q: What is the distribution period for SNAP benefits in the District of Columbia in January 2024?

Ans: In the District of Columbia, SNAP benefits will be distributed from January 1 to January 10, 2024.

Q: When will Florida residents receive their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Florida will be distributed from January 1 to January 28, 2024.

Q: What are the specified dates for SNAP benefit distribution in Georgia for January 2024?

Ans: In Georgia, SNAP benefits will be distributed from January 5 to January 23, 2024.

Q: On which dates will Hawaii residents receive their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: Hawaii residents will receive their SNAP benefits from January 3 to January 5, 2024.

Q: When will Idaho residents receive their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Idaho will be distributed from January 1 to January 10, 2024.

Q: What is the distribution period for SNAP benefits in Illinois in January 2024?

Ans: In Illinois, SNAP benefits will be distributed from January 1 to January 10, 2024.

Q: When can Indiana residents expect their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Indiana will be distributed from January 5 to January 23, 2024.

Q: What are the designated dates for SNAP benefit distribution in Iowa in January 2024?

Ans: In Iowa, SNAP benefits will be distributed from January 1 to January 10, 2024.

Q: During which period will SNAP benefits be distributed in Kansas in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Kansas will be distributed from January 1 to January 10, 2024.

Q: What is the timeframe for SNAP benefit distribution in Kentucky for January 2024?

Ans: In Kentucky, SNAP benefits will be distributed from January 1 to January 19, 2024.

Q: When will Louisiana residents receive their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Louisiana will be distributed from January 1 to January 23, 2024.

Q: What are the specified dates for SNAP benefit distribution in Maine for January 2024?

Ans: In Maine, SNAP benefits will be distributed from January 10 to January 14, 2024.

Q: On which dates will Maryland residents receive their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: Maryland residents will receive their SNAP benefits from January 4 to January 23, 2024.

Q: When can Massachusetts residents expect their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Massachusetts will be distributed from January 1 to January 14, 2024.

Q: What is the distribution period for SNAP benefits in Michigan in January 2024?

Ans: In Michigan, SNAP benefits will be distributed from January 3 to January 21, 2024.

Q: During which dates will Minnesota distribute SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Minnesota will be distributed from January 4 to January 13, 2024.

Q: When will Mississippi residents receive their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Mississippi will be distributed from January 4 to January 21, 2024.

Q: What are the designated dates for SNAP benefit distribution in Missouri for January 2024?

Ans: In Missouri, SNAP benefits will be distributed from January 1 to January 22, 2024.

Q: On which dates will Montana residents receive their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: Montana residents will receive their SNAP benefits from January 2 to January 6, 2024.

Q: When will Nebraska residents receive their SNAP benefits in January 2024?

Ans: SNAP benefits in Nebraska will be distributed from January 1 to January 5, 2024.

Q: What is the distribution period for SNAP benefits in Nevada in January 2024?

Ans: In Nevada, SNAP benefits will be distributed from January 1 to January 10, 2024.

Households eligible for SNAP will receive their payments via a prepaid electronic benefits transfer card. The EBT card works just like a debit card and can be used at participating locations such as farmers markets, grocery stores, and online retailers.