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US State And Territory FIPS Codes List PDF

Category: usa-program || by: Lalchand || Update: 2024-01-08

The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) codes play a crucial role in various government systems, providing unique identifiers for states and territories. In the United States, each state and territory is assigned a specific numeric FIPS code, and this article aims to explore these codes alongside the official USPS codes.

US State And Territory FIPS Codes List PDF

US State And Territory FIPS Codes List PDF

NameFIPS State Numeric CodeOfficial USPS Code
District of Columbia11DC
New Hampshire33NH
New Jersey34NJ
New Mexico35NM
New York36NY
North Carolina37NC
North Dakota38ND
Rhode Island44RI
South Carolina45SC
South Dakota46SD
West Virginia54WV

US State And Territory FIPS Codes

Alabama (01 - AL): Alabama, the "Heart of Dixie," is assigned the FIPS code 01 and the official USPS code AL. This numeric identifier ensures precision in data systems and geographic databases, while the USPS code streamlines mail processing.

Alaska (02 - AK): Alaska, with its breathtaking landscapes, is designated FIPS code 02 and USPS code AK. These codes are essential for accurate addressing and data management, particularly in government applications.

US State Abbreviations List 2024

Arizona (04 - AZ): Arizona, known for its deserts and the Grand Canyon, is associated with FIPS code 04 and USPS code AZ. These codes aid in efficient communication and geographical categorization.

Arkansas (05 - AR): Arkansas, in the southern United States, bears FIPS code 05 and USPS code AR. These codes contribute to standardized information systems and facilitate mail delivery.

California (06 - CA): California, the most populous state, holds FIPS code 06 and USPS code CA. The numeric identifier and USPS code ensure seamless data exchange and mail handling.

Colorado (08 - CO): Colorado, famed for its Rocky Mountains, is linked to FIPS code 08 and USPS code CO. These codes play a vital role in maintaining accurate records and postal services.

Connecticut (09 - CT): Connecticut, in the New England region, is assigned FIPS code 09 and USPS code CT. The numeric code aids in data organization, while the USPS code simplifies mail routing.

Delaware (10 - DE): Delaware, one of the smaller states, is represented by FIPS code 10 and USPS code DE. These codes contribute to effective data management and mail distribution.

District of Columbia (11 - DC): The District of Columbia, the nation's capital, has FIPS code 11 and USPS code DC. These codes are integral to federal data systems and postal operations.

Florida (12 - FL): Florida, known for its sunshine and theme parks, is linked to FIPS code 12 and USPS code FL. These codes ensure accurate representation and efficient mail services.

Georgia (13 - GA): Georgia, in the southeastern United States, is associated with FIPS code 13 and USPS code GA. The numeric identifier and USPS code aid in data standardization and mail delivery.

Hawaii (15 - HI): Hawaii, a group of islands in the Pacific, is assigned FIPS code 15 and USPS code HI. These codes are essential for precise geographic referencing and mail processing.

Idaho (16 - ID): Idaho, with its rugged landscapes, is represented by FIPS code 16 and USPS code ID. These codes contribute to accurate data management and mail routing.

Illinois (17 - IL): Illinois, in the Midwest, holds FIPS code 17 and USPS code IL. These codes are essential for maintaining organized data systems and facilitating efficient mail services.

Indiana (18 - IN): Indiana, with its diverse landscapes, is linked to FIPS code 18 and USPS code IN. These codes play a crucial role in geographic data accuracy and mail delivery.

Iowa (19 - IA): Iowa, known for its agriculture, bears FIPS code 19 and USPS code IA. These codes contribute to streamlined data systems and efficient mail processing.

Kansas (20 - KS): Kansas is assigned FIPS code 20 and USPS code KS. These codes are crucial for maintaining accurate data and facilitating efficient mail delivery in the state.

Kentucky (21 - KY): Kentucky, famous for horse racing and bourbon, holds FIPS code 21 and USPS code KY. These codes contribute to standardized data systems and effective mail services.

Louisiana (22 - LA): Louisiana, with its vibrant culture, is associated with FIPS code 22 and USPS code LA. These codes play a vital role in maintaining accurate geographic data and facilitating mail delivery.

Maine (23 - ME): Maine, in the northeastern United States, is represented by FIPS code 23 and USPS code ME. These codes ensure accurate geographic referencing and streamline mail processing.

Maryland (24 - MD): Maryland, located on the East Coast, bears FIPS code 24 and USPS code MD. These codes are crucial for maintaining accurate data records and facilitating mail services.

Massachusetts (25 - MA): Massachusetts, rich in history, holds FIPS code 25 and USPS code MA. These codes contribute to effective data management and streamlined mail processing.

Michigan (26 - MI): Michigan, surrounded by the Great Lakes, is linked to FIPS code 26 and USPS code MI. These codes are integral to maintaining accurate geographic data and facilitating efficient mail delivery.

Minnesota (27 - MN): Minnesota, known for its lakes and forests, is associated with FIPS code 27 and USPS code MN. These codes play a crucial role in data standardization and efficient mail services.

Mississippi (28 - MS): Mississippi, in the Deep South, is represented by FIPS code 28 and USPS code MS. These codes contribute to maintaining accurate data records and facilitating mail delivery.

Missouri (29 - MO): Missouri, with diverse landscapes, holds FIPS code 29 and USPS code MO. These codes are essential for maintaining accurate geographic data and facilitating efficient mail services.

Montana (30 - MT): Montana, famous for its big sky, is linked to FIPS code 30 and USPS code MT. These codes contribute to streamlined data systems and efficient mail processing.

Nebraska (31 - NE): Nebraska is represented by FIPS code 31 and USPS code NE. These codes are crucial for maintaining accurate geographic data and facilitating efficient mail delivery in the state.

Nevada (32 - NV): Nevada, known for deserts and entertainment hubs, bears FIPS code 32 and USPS code NV. These codes play a vital role in data standardization and efficient mail services.

New Hampshire (33 - NH): New Hampshire, in the New England region, holds FIPS code 33 and USPS code NH. These codes contribute to maintaining accurate geographic data and efficient mail processing.

New Jersey (34 - NJ): New Jersey, situated on the East Coast, is associated with FIPS code 34 and USPS code NJ. These codes are crucial for data standardization and efficient mail services.

New Mexico (35 - NM): New Mexico, known for diverse landscapes and cultural heritage, is linked to FIPS code 35 and USPS code NM. These codes play a vital role in maintaining accurate data records and facilitating mail delivery.

New York (36 - NY): New York, a bustling state with a global city, is represented by FIPS code 36 and USPS code NY. These codes ensure accurate geographic referencing and streamline mail processing.

North Carolina (37 - NC): North Carolina, in the southeastern United States, bears FIPS code 37 and USPS code NC. These codes are essential for maintaining accurate data records and facilitating mail delivery.

North Dakota (38 - ND): North Dakota, with its prairies and oil fields, holds FIPS code 38 and USPS code ND. These codes contribute to streamlined data systems and efficient mail processing.

Ohio (39 - OH): Ohio, in the Midwest, is linked to FIPS code 39 and USPS code OH. These codes play a crucial role in maintaining accurate geographic data and facilitating efficient mail delivery.

Oklahoma (40 - OK): Oklahoma, known for its Native American heritage, is associated with FIPS code 40 and USPS code OK. These codes are integral to maintaining accurate data records and facilitating mail delivery.

Oregon (41 - OR): Oregon is represented by FIPS code 41 and USPS code OR. These codes are crucial for maintaining accurate geographic data and efficient mail processing in the state.

Pennsylvania (42 - PA): Pennsylvania, rich in history and industry, holds FIPS code 42 and USPS code PA. These codes contribute to data standardization and efficient mail services.

Rhode Island (44 - RI): Rhode Island, the smallest state, is linked to FIPS code 44 and USPS code RI. These codes play a vital role in maintaining accurate geographic data and facilitating mail delivery.

South Carolina (45 - SC): South Carolina, known for its southern charm, is associated with FIPS code 45 and USPS code SC. These codes are essential for maintaining accurate data records and facilitating efficient mail delivery.

South Dakota (46 - SD): South Dakota, with Mount Rushmore, holds FIPS code 46 and USPS code SD. These codes contribute to streamlined data systems and efficient mail processing.

Tennessee (47 - TN): Tennessee, famous for its music and scenic landscapes, is represented by FIPS code 47 and USPS code TN. These codes ensure accurate geographic referencing and streamline mail processing.

Texas (48 - TX): Texas, the second-largest state, is associated with FIPS code 48 and USPS code TX. These codes are crucial for maintaining accurate data records and facilitating efficient mail delivery.

Utah (49 - UT): Utah, known for its national parks, holds FIPS code 49 and USPS code UT. These codes contribute to streamlined data systems and efficient mail processing.

Vermont (50 - VT): Vermont, in the New England region, is linked to FIPS code 50 and USPS code VT. These codes are essential for maintaining accurate geographic data and facilitating mail delivery.

Virginia (51 - VA): Virginia, rich in history and culture, bears FIPS code 51 and USPS code VA. These codes play a crucial role in data standardization and efficient mail services.

Washington (53 - WA): Washington, in the Pacific Northwest, holds FIPS code 53 and USPS code WA. These codes contribute to maintaining accurate data records and facilitating efficient mail delivery.

West Virginia (54 - WV): West Virginia, known for its mountains, is associated with FIPS code 54 and USPS code WV. These codes are integral to maintaining accurate geographic data and efficient mail services.

Wisconsin (55 - WI): Wisconsin is represented by FIPS code 55 and USPS code WI. These codes are crucial for maintaining accurate data records and facilitating efficient mail delivery in the state.

Wyoming (56 - WY): Wyoming, with vast landscapes, bears FIPS code 56 and USPS code WY. These codes play a vital role in data standardization and efficient mail processing in the state.

Conclusion: - US State And Territory FIPS Codes List PDF

FIPS codes serve as essential numeric identifiers for states and territories in the United States, enabling accurate data organization and geographical referencing. Coupled with official USPS codes, these identifiers contribute to streamlined mail services and data systems, ensuring precision and efficiency in various applications. Understanding and utilizing these codes is fundamental to maintaining a well-organized and functional framework in government operations and communication.